Acknowledgement of Country

Welcome to our 2nd Graduation and Presentation Night! Many have inquired why we choose to celebrate both graduation and presentations, and my response remains consistent – we celebrate not just the end but the process.

Unless you’ve been a part of our community, it might be challenging to grasp the significance of this night for us and our students.

Tonight, we celebrate those who had not been to school for a year or a couple of years before joining PRC but have finally made coming to school regularly; those merely getting out of bed to attend school is a monumental achievement. This night is for those who walked long distances every morning to reach our doors; those who didn’t have someone at home to encourage them and support them to come to school; those who faced the challenge of having no stable home to return to after school or a meal for the day; and those who battled mental health issues but still made it to class.

There are countless stories of resilience that might not be apparent to the casual observer, but tonight, we shine a spotlight on them and say“You made it!”

Let me share something important – this celebration is a manifestation of our vision. It is about empowering students to achieve their personal best through education.

Now for those moving on further education or career paths, we hope we have prepared you not only academically but also with the life and work skills that will serve you well in the future. For those returning next year, we eagerly anticipate the continued growth and accomplishments that the next academic year will undoubtedly bring.

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